How to Overcome the Negative Thoughts? A Practical Approach towards Positive Thinking..

Negative thinking can be a habit of mind.  Thoughts sink in and linger there until you take action to get rid of them.
Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” 

To get rid of negative thinking, you need to try a different approach – something that will clear your mind of those negative thoughts once and for all.

Here are some tips to overcome the negative thoughts.

Change the way of your thinking

Sometimes negative thinking is the result of poor perspective.  Take a look at the point of view you take on the things going on around you.
For example, instead of thinking, “I’m going through a difficult time and I’m having trouble,” think “I’m facing some challenges, but I’m working on finding solutions.”

You’re basically saying the same thing, except the second way has a more positive spin to it.  But sometimes that little tonal shift can make a huge difference to your thinking patterns.
Question your thoughts
One thing that you need to do when a negative thought taps on your shoulder and tries to start growing in your mind is to simply to question that thought.
Ask yourself:
Should I take you(that negative thought) seriously?
Sometimes this question may help you to see that just because you did one small thing wrong doesn’t mean that you did poorly overall. Or that this one negative thing doesn’t mean that things will get worse and stay like that for a long time. Not if you chose optimism and to take small steps forward.
Basically, this question gives you a reality check and grounds you to a level-headed perspective again.
Break Free
Negative thoughts create negative emotions and that leads to negative behaviors.
This is an extremely frustrating pattern that can easily affect our behaviors and the quality of our lives. The solution isn’t to learn how to think more positively or to learn how to control your emotions. The solution is much more obvious than the traditional approaches, yet it is also more elusive.
To escape the vicious cycle of negative thinking, you must accept the negative thought as it is. Just like in a quicksand, to stop sinking, you must stop fighting it and be still. With negative thoughts, you must learn to compassionately accept them as they are.
Once you learn to accomplish this effectively, you will still have negative thoughts. However, they will drift away like clouds on a gentle breeze instead of darkening into a storm of emotional suffering.
Change your surrounding
Because thoughts arise in the mind, it’s easy to assume that’s where they’re formed.  Well, that’s only partly true.
Sometimes our thoughts are a product of our environment.  For example, if you surrounded yourself with negative people and negative imagery, you’d probably start to think negatively in turn.
Stepping away from a negative environment can help immensely.  Take a walk alone away from your usual atmosphere.  Head somewhere uplifting like a park or museum.
Time spent distancing yourself from those negative influences can bring you great peace of mind.
Help others to change their life
If you get stuck in negative thoughts or victim thinking then one of the simplest ways to get out of your own head and the thoughts bouncing around in there is to focus outwards and on someone else.
By adding positivity to his or her life in some way you too can start to feel better and more optimistic again.
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How to Overcome the Negative Thoughts? A Practical Approach towards Positive Thinking.. How to Overcome the Negative Thoughts? A Practical Approach towards Positive Thinking.. Reviewed by Unknown on August 18, 2017 Rating: 5